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" Easy Traffic Software Reloaded"....

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Part 1 - How To Download & Install

" Easy Traffic Software

Step 1 : Download The ZIP Folder From Above Link.

Step 2 : Extract Easy Traffic ZIP Folder.

Step 3 : Open The Extracted Folder...You Will See Following Folder....Easy Traffic Software Folder...Open The Folder...Click The Easy Traffic Bot App Icon.

Step 4 : Now The Software Screen Opens..

Don't Run The Software....Go To Help Menu..Click On Check For Updates....You Will See Software Update Avialble Notification Box.(1.7.9)..Click The Click Here To Update...Please Update The Software...And Install The Software...After Installing ...Open The Software...Now The Software Verision Becomes 1.8.0....


If You Face Open Software Error Problem...Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Or Above Version...

Note 1 : How do I allow a program with Virus protection?

Select Virus & threat protection. Open Virus & threat protection settings.
  1. Open the “Start” menu.
  2. Click on “Settings.”
  3. In the “Find a Setting” search box, type in “Firewall.”
  4. Click on “Windows Firewall.” or Step 5
  5. On the left, click on “Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall.”
  6. Now, the “Allowed App” windows will pop up...

You Have To Create An Exception For This Software.... 

For Avast...Open Antivirus....Go To Settings...Click On Exception..Add Exception..

Note 2 : If You Face Login Problem In future..Go To Help, Click On Clear Cookies And Temparary Filies....Next Click Yes.

Part 2 - How To Use The Software.

Step 1 : Go To "Earn Credit Links" to Look For In Each Email...

In The Box Add Following Words....Just Copy The Below Words And Paste It In To The Software.

Click here
Claim credits
click here
list avail
instant ad power

Step 2 : Create Two New Email Address To Register The Following Websites....( Use Same Email Id And Password For The Below Websites...Or You Can Create 4 Email Ids or 6 Email ds, First two Email Ids For Below 1,2 &4...And Another Two Email Ids For 3,4 And Another Two Email Ids 6&7 Safelists...I Recommending You Use Same Password For All Email Ids)...

1. BweebleClick Here To Register.

2. ListAdventureClick Here To Register. 

3. ListAvail - Click Here To Register

4. Instant Ad Power - Click Here To Register

5. ListJumperClick Here To Register

6. State Of The Art Mailer ( Note You Manualy Click Every 20 or 30 Minutes....Only Once..After It Will Automatic Click Running Again )

Click Here To Register

7. Herculist...

Click Here To Register.


Note : No Captcha Service Need For The Above Websites...Please Visit This Page Every Week..I Will Update New Safelist Here...

Step 4 : Enter Email Id And Password.

Step 5 : Click Start



Step 1 : Create Another Two New Email Address...

Step 2 : Signup Following Safelists ( Same Email Id & Same Passwords.)

A. Unlock Your List .... Click Here To Register.

B. WebBizInsider......... Click Here To Register.

C. 100 Percent Mailer..... Click Here To Register.

D. Webs Best Mailer........ Click Here To Register.

E. Instant Profit Mailer.... Click Here To Register.

F. Legends Mailer.....Click Here To Register.

G. Your Viral Mailer........Click Here To Register.

H. Daily Quick Mailer.......Click Here To Register.

I. Evolved Traffic....Click Here To Register.

J. Next Gen Mailer....Click Here To Register.

K. Max Impact Mailer....Click Here To Register.

L. Ultimate Traffic Freedom....Click Here To Register.

M. Breakthrough Mailer....Click Here To Register.

Note : No Captcha Service Need For The Above Websites...Please Visit This Page Every Week..I Will Update New Safelist Here...

Step 3 : Enter Email Id And Password.

Step 4 : Click Start

Part 3 : " YouTube Video Ranker "

 Click Here To Access

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Thanking You.........

Your Friend,


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